Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Are we there yet?

Well, it's definitely a new day, thank goodness for that. I had a pretty full week last week. In the course of 7 days I attended a wedding, a funeral service(including visitation and luncheon), and finally a christening. Short of seeing a baby born (the christening was for a 3 month old), I'd say I covered all the bases. It's very true about the circle of life. I was talking in my last post about the anniversary of my father's death, and my daughter pointed out that a child is "born" in God's eyes at the time of their baptism. My niece was baptized Saturday, and that's when my father died 18 years ago. I don't mean to get heavy or philosphical, and I try to keep my religion/political comments to the barest minimum as this tends to set people off, but how cool is that? I will never forget when my dad died, but now I have the sweetest reminder that a new life has been welcomed into His family. My dad would be so proud of his granddaughter for pointing that out to me. How proud am I?

Thank you to everyone who shared a kind word with me, it's hard to remember that you're not alone in your sorrow, and while I wish this on no one, I appreciate being in the company of others who understand.

OK, enough sadness. I've got stuff to talk about.

I'm making excellent progress on the test project for Marnie. It's really looking like something and I'm hoping to be close to finishing by the weekend. I'm trying to clear my slate in preparation of the Knitting Olympics and am also waiting for my instructions for the Sockapalooza project.

I'm flying now on the second sock for myself, which stalled before Christmas and am to the heel flap after having picked it back up Saturday. I'm also to the heel flaps on the socks for my SO, which is getting a little scary since I'm doing both at once, and am not sure yet how that's going to work. I tend to set projects aside when they get scary but I'm trying to fight off that urge, cuz I'd really like them to be done already!! I mean c'mon now, we're talking plain black socks on #2's! Not the most exciting thing I've done.

I am also going to set aside some time to seriously knock out the boyfriend sweater, as this seems to be a source of touchy-ness for him, every time he sees me knitting something else. Also black (I'm thinking I need to work him into colors one of these days), plain stockinette, so from a knitter's standpoint a little dull, so I'll just make sure to have something cute/girly non-black going at the same time for moments of temporary insanity. But he'll be so happy when I finish it, and he's already thinking it's not going to be before the weather breaks, so I'd like to prove him wrong on that. It had stalled also cuz I decided to knit it in the round instead of back and forth (do YOU like purling 80+ stitches in a row?) and because I'm kinda winging it that equals-scary-which- justifies-procrastination. I'm acknowledging that though, and am trying not to think too far ahead on it. I'm starting with the sleeves, and will go from there.

I've also made a little progress on the smaller felted bag I made to give ....ahem...as a Christmas gift. I installed the magnets Sunday night, attached the straps (in a nifty new way I haven't done yet) and have only to line it, cuz I figure if I'm gifting it at this late date, it better be a little more special than most. It's very cute and I will post pics when it's complete.

I saw that the 2 Booga bags I gifted to my aunts for Christmas were being used Saturday, so I'm not sure if that was a.) simply for my benefit, or b.) they really like them. I'll choose B!

I hope everyone is having a good week so far, and I hope to post again with progress pics!

See ya!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Nothing about knitting....

I feel out of touch a bit today. I've been tied up the last day and a half with a death in the family (not a close relative, one I didn't even know in fact). I hate when I haven't been able to check the news online, or to check in on my favorite blogs I've been frequenting...so today I'm trying to catch up.

I didn't know the person who died, he was someone in my SO's family, and I had never met him. But every funeral I attend brings back all the memories and sadness of when my father died. I was 20, he was 49. It will be 18 years this Saturday actually, and it almost feels like it was yesterday....or maybe the day before. I can't believe after all this time that the sadness still doesn't go away. The person that died was 73 and while of course that's sad for the family, I can't help but feel jealous that they had him till he was 73, I only had my dad till he was 49. He (the one who died-we'll call him Bob, although that's not his real name) got to see so many things, so many grandchildren and weddings and the like, and my dad didn't get to see any of that. I was 20, my younger sister was 17 and my older sister was 24. We've all since been married (divorced- me), had children, had life altering things happen, etc. He's missed it all, and we have missed sharing it with him. Our children will grow up never knowing their real grandfather, although they have a wonderful step-grandfather who, other than my daughter (she's 10) will be known always as grandpa.

I did ok at the funeral until at the cemetary, the wife was presented with an American flag for "Bob's" service in the military. I lost it. Tears were streaming down my face, for this man I had never met, but more so for the family left behind, whom I don't even really know. But there's something symbolic about the presentation of an American flag to a loved one. It's so final-THE END. It's never because they're alive and well, it's always because they're gone, never to be hugged or seen again, and the flag is the only thing they can give to the family as a token or remembrance of his service. It's a shame that no one ever thought to give him a flag, before he died, as a kinda "atta boy, you done good" at a time in his life when he could have appreciated the recognition. You can't help but wonder what they do with the flag, is that really supposed to make them feel better about their loss, or do they just toss it in the corner when they go home, and try to grieve in their own way?

It's been a pretty emotional week, having also attended a wedding over the weekend for two people who seem to hate each other most of the time, and yet still managed to pull off a wedding, however short lived it turns out to be. I'm in a pretty solid relationship yet that whole wedding thing seems to evade us still, and after answering a gazillion questions about when, where and all that at the wedding-cuz that's always natural to turn to all the single people there and find out why they haven't joined the "marriage sucks" club-and then answering all the same questions again to the family at the funeral, I can't help but ask myself why not yet either? But it's not only up to me, there's two of us, and I feel that effort needs to be put forth by both of us. I'm not 24 with nothing else going on in my life. Been there, done that, so I have real life priorities that do not revolve around how much lace I can fit onto my body, or crown/no crown for the top of my head. But that doesn't stop everyone from telling us how much cheaper it is for us to live as man and wife, and how they have scheduling issues so it can only be this time of year or that time of year. I want to scream and tell them to live a day in my life, which still revolves around attornies, custody issues, psycho obsessed exes and the like, so when WHEN do I have time to plan for my future??!! I'm still trying to figure that out.

Tomorrow will be a better day, and for the record NO, we haven't set a date yet. But feel free to ask again, I'm sure you will anyway and someday that answer will change.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Test Knitting Progress pics!!

OK, Marnie said I could post some sneak peak pics of the top I'm test-knitting for her, so here they are. I'm SOOOOO excited, cuz it's really starting to look like something now!!

The first picture is a fairly true representation of the actual color, it's Rowan's Calmer and the color is Tinkerbell. This is gonna be hot, hot, hot. I'm actually making this for someone else, and the second one will be in a dark purple color that is to die for!! Can't wait!

That's all I have for now. Have a great day!

Monday, January 23, 2006

What? No pictures?

OK, last post with no pics unless I have nothing to show you!! I snagged the digital camera back from the SO and will be going to town with it tonight. I have to post a pic of the top from Marnie. It's starting to look like something and as a test-knitter I better get on the ball, so the poor girl can actually publish this pattern sometime soon. Apparently her other testers bailed, so no pressure, but I'm on the job!

I'm so happy to chuck my yarn diet since Amby discovered the sale at HYAW, I'm looking to make myself an easy shawl out of the snazzy Blizzard that I made my grandma's scarf out of, and snap up some more sock yarn to make...you guessed it, more socks. I'm thinking of joining Allison's sockapalooza. It starts in February and the socks are gifted in May. I can do that, no problem. Let me know if anyone else signs up.

I went to a wedding over the weekend, and whilst nursing a hangover I was still able to follow the chart for the above mentioned test project, it was quite a sight people let me tell you.

Our Knit Detroit group on Yahoo mysteriously disappeared so we have a new home, at least till this one happens to get deleted. Check us out and join us for some of our meetups, we'd love to meet you!!

Click here to join detroitareaknitters
Click to join detroitareaknitters

I will be taking some pictures tonight of my test project, and maybe I'll burn thru the rest of my disposable camera, cuz I've got some good pics on there to post, but I think I've still got like 12 pictures. Hmmmm, what can I shoot? Ooh, my new ball winder and swift, that would be a good start. I know it's pretty useful cuz my daughter used it already to wind up some balls from her huge pound of yarn skeins. Those are a nice idea, but difficult to carry around.

Also, for anyone who reads Yarn Harlot, she's hosting a knitting Olympics of sorts, and I've signed on to make myself a pair of gloves. The challenging part of this task is that I'm modifying a pattern, and since I've never made gloves before that in itself should be a challenge. They are
going to be out of the yummy purple
Touch Me yarn, I can hardly wait.

Click the button on the sidebar and check it out for yourself. The more the merrier!!

Until next time....happy knitting!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Happy Monday everyone!

No, I'm not really happy it's Monday either, but I live by the "fake it till you make it" philosophy, so work with me here!

First of all, on the driveway saga, yes it's been fixed and I no longer have to fear being swallowed by it every time I come home! So, that's a good thing.

I am still working with the hi technology of the disposable camera and am only 15 pictures away from going to the drug store, so some day I'll actually have more pics to post.

I am still working on Marnie's latest design and figured out that since I'm not even remotely familiar with cables and a novice to charts, that I better make my life a bit simpler by installing a lifeline and boy, am I glad I did. I figured out a couple of rows into the cabling of the chart that I was doing it wrong (shocker) and I didn't even sweat it cuz I simply ripped back to the lifeline and voila! I began again. I'm stuck at the moment though and am waiting for a reply back from Marnie on what I'm doing wrong. I'm SURE it's me and NOT her, so I'm waiting to hear that. It's kind of exciting, trying this new thing called cables (he he), and again, with the lifeline it's not nearly as stressful. I highly recommend it to everyone, and as I'm going thru this pattern I'll install them periodically to save myself the hassle of "starting over".

I'm kinda bummed, cuz I got my Addi's over the weekend from my first e-bay purchase, they're supposed to be #2's and they came Saturday and they were 3's. They came from Hong Kong and I think there's some miscommunication about the mm sizing. I've already received one e-mail response this morning about it, so I'm trying to swing a deal to keep the 3's and get him to send me the 2's. I only paid $8 for the 3's so keeping them is not going to break me, but I really needed the 2's to finish the lone sock of mine that's still waiting to be completed and I thought with using Addi's I'd magically fly thru it and be wearing them like an hour later. It could happen....

Have a great day and I'll talk at ya again soon!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

No disrespect but.....

Madame Mother Nature, do ya think you could make up your mind about the freakin weather for crying out loud?!?! It never fails, as soon as the weather goes on it's roller coaster ride of 40 today, -10 tomorrow, sunny then snowy---I get sick! I hate it! I had such big plans for my nice quiet unscheduled weekend, and instead I was fitting in little bits of cleaning between....napping. UGH!! I usually function on about 6 hours of sleep a night, because I have too many other things to do. Sleeping for extended periods of time just does not fit into my schedule! Who do I call?

I had huge aspirations of having my house spotless after all the Christmas decorations were removed and put away, and finding my carpet so I could actually test out my new vacuum. (it works great by the way, I emptied that little dust cup thingy and freaked out that that was actually all over my carpet) It all got done, but very slowly and I wasn't able to get much knitting done, due to the large amounts of cold medicine I was consuming in order to just breathe and not cough every 2 seconds. So much for thinking while I knit.

I am test knitting a really cool pattern and was hoping to have it well under way by Sunday, sure it could happen. Unfortunately I got about 1-1/2" of it completed on Sunday, and as of last night I'm about 4-5" into it. It's a basic 2x2 for now, but in about 20 rows it's going to get hairy AND scary, cuz there's lots of ......gulp....cables-of which I've never attempted. I'm kinda excited though, in a sweaty palm kind of way, cuz if I can pull it off, it's going to look very cool, and I know the designer is very anxious to get this pattern published and I don't want to let her down.

Oh, and did I mention my first aerobics class of the new session is this week? No worries, I can pull a whole class together including music and choreography by....tomorrow?! Cuz of course I felt up to dancing around and writing notes while hacking up a lung over the weekend! NOT!

I don't have any new pictures, because I have resorted to using a disposable camera recently, since the digital camera is never where I need it to be when I need it, and because I didn't have 27 pictures to snap off immediately (shocker) I don't have anything new to show as of this minute. I did finish my daughter's hat, and it's sitting in her room waiting for her, so I'll take a few pics of her in it this weekend, and by then I'm hoping to have made more progress on the test knitting so I'll take some shots of that this weekend as well.

In other WIP news the boyfriend sweater seems to stall constantly, but I'm still working on his socks bit by bit, and they're getting longer. It takes way longer to do them both at the same time, but the end result....they'll both be done at exactly the same time, so poof! wearable socks!

The gaping holes in my driveway almost literally swallowed me up yesterday (thank goodness for 4WD!!) and I noticed this morning some new yellow snazzy paint lines and fancy flags, like someone actually came out and realized "Wow, this chick has these 2 GAPING holes in her driveway, we should fix these!" I'm keeping my fingers crossed that today is the day!!

Okey dokey, I'll get off my step ladder and quit ranting. I'm almost done shoveling my lunch in and I better get back to some semblance of work before the boss catches me.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

First of all, Happy New Year! I hope this year brings you much happiness!

Secondly, Holy Big Holes!! This is what I came home to Thursday night, and believe me, it was a close call.

That is a yard stick people!! That means that first hole is 36" wide, and it's about 25" inches deep. The second hole is the middle pic, so only about 2 feet wide(only). When Chicken Little said "The sky is falling" I know exactly where it landed! This is the benefit to renting my home, cuz I just e-mailed Mr. Landlord, sent him these pictures as proof I'm not overreacting (me?, no never!) and am waiting for him to fix it. Of course, being a holiday weekend, nothing happened, but any minute now I'm expecting a team of experts to be dispatched to solve my problem. I'm sure when I go home tonight, it will be as if the hole NEVER existed and all will be right in my world. OK, sorry, momentary lapse of reality.....this IS a public works issue and we all know it might be fixed by....Spring? Oh well, it makes going home every day an adventure to say the least. Speaking of adventure, I'll have to post another time about my squirrels eating thru the styrofoam cooler to eat peanuts adventure....but I have to post the pictures to go with it.

Happy Tuesday and thank goodness we got to skip Monday this week. Friday is already one day closer.

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