Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ahh Wednesday!

I made it! I kept telling myself, hold on for Wednesday, it will be here before you know it. It's here and I'm thoroughly exhausted, but alive!!

Christmas is always very hectic, not necessarily a fun kinda hectic. With the shared custody, for both me and my SO, it's a bittersweet time of the ultimate rule we learned as kids. SHARING. And like any 5 year old will tell you, sharing sucks! Especially when it's your coolest toy or your favoritist (only) child. But we survived, with no bloodshed, so all is well in our world again.

I'm looking forward to the weekend, cuz as per usual, we'll be spending New Years up north. I got new skis for Christmas so I'll be testing those out, and we also got a new (for us) snowmobile, so I might actually get to ride this year! Not sure if there's snow up there, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. If not, I always have sewing/knitting projects to keep me busy, and since our kids have the coolest parents ever! we'll be taking our new Wii up there too, along with all the games including Guitar Hero III, which I can honestly say is super addictive. I can't wait for a week of down-time to ring in the new year with all my favorite peeps!

I finished the Touch Me gloves in the nick of time and sent them off for Christmas Eve delivery. I haven't heard yet, but I hope they made it and I hope they fit the recipient. I'll know this weekend. I must say, they came out WAY nicer than mine did, much more fitted and seemingly softer too! I'd be happy to get them, I hope she is too!

I'm still working on SO's boot socks, into the home stretch now since I'm on the foot. It's been slow, but when you only get to do a row or two at a time, they take forever to finish. I've found a balaclava pattern that will suit my step-son for snowboarding, so I'll be starting that soon, maybe in time for our snow adventures up north.

I have no pictures of anything right now, cuz stupidly I packaged up the gloves for the waiting UPS man and didn't make him wait longer by taking pictures. I hope to get one or two when I see her, so I'll update my FO's then.

Happy New Year to all! May 2008 bring endless stash, tireless knitting, and some cool new patterns too!

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Happy New Year Stinker!!
Have fun-- that sounds like a nice way to spend New Year's. Hope to see you soon-- it's been a while!
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