Monday, July 30, 2007

To dye for!

Well, at least the camera gods are smiling on me. I FOUND the camera. Without having to tell the SO that it MIGHT be lost. Phew!

So, that said, I did a little dyeing recently. Some Knit Picks sock yarn and {gasp} my unspun alpaca roving. Eh, I've had it for over a year so maybe this will motivate me to spin it into something useful. Or sell-able. I just used kool-aid and easter egg dyes, nothing too difficult or fancy, but now that I see the possibilities, I'm totally hooked.
The alpaca roving

And the Knit Picks sock yarn

Very fun, and not nearly as hard as I thought.

I've been working on the Diamond Fantasy Shawl, but since I've been tinking it's not really progress. I'm about 1 row away from the start of the second chart (for the second time through) and then I will humbly install a lifeline. I'm not really sure what happened, since I was flying thru it pretty quickly, but somewhere I went wrong, and since I've only been able to tink 1 row at a time per sitting, it's taken me several days to undo about 6 rows. Hopefully I'll be moving forward again soon.

We got to spend some time outdoors this weekend, even if it wasn't up north. We went to a graduation party on Saturday, and Sunday we spent the day on the lake with the family. The best part? Watching the sun set on a beautiful day.
The chitlins: My SO and daughter
They're bad pics cuz once again just the camera phone, but you get the idea.
It was a beautiful ending to a beautiful day!

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I think the roving still looks very Fleece Artist-y. Should be very pretty when spun up!
Ooooh, the KP yarn is gorgeous!!!
You got me itchin' to think about dyin' - how did you learn how?
The yarn is really nice-- I'm sure the roving will make beautiful yarn as well. Nice job!
Dyeing is FUN. I've used kool aid but have been "dyeing" to try some natural plant dyes as well.
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