Tuesday, June 20, 2006

There's an addition to my family!

With all the celebrity babies popping out everywhere and new talk of Brangelina adopting yet another underprivileged child, I decided to hop on the pop bandwagon and expand my somewhat tiny family.
I am please to introduce the latest addition to my family....{eyeroll... errrr drumroll please}

Ms. Ashley!

Ms. Ashley is of the Ashford Traditional family and I refer to her as Ms. because she has ummm a few miles on her, as she is a couple of years old. Not to say she is by any means used up, but I'm not her FIRST family. She was well cared for in her previous home and she came to me with much love and appreciation for my interest in spinning. I believe she has found a good home, and look forward to many years together. (I took the liberty of cropping my head out of this picture as I had about the dorkiest look on my face that I've ever seen). Here are a few more action shots thanks to my personal photographer.

The first picture is the best, it's from BEHIND me. So no dorky expressions are visible. The second one gives the appearance that I actually have a clue what I'm doing. And the third, shows results. I've been spinning here and there when I've had time, so this bobbin is almost full, and I only have about a handful of roving left to spin. I'll be plying that with the first bobbin that I skeined (or skanked if you know JenLa) on the Schacht at Ewe-Nique Knits a few weeks back. I'm anxious to see how much yardage I end up with, so I can start figuring out for sure what it will become.

I actually started this post yesterday, and got very ambitious last night and spun the rest of the handpainted llama. These pics are just with my camera phone, so the colors aren't completely accurate. The top bobbin is more purple
and brighter than shown. The bottom bobbin is more of a green than the blue that shows. The bobbins aren't even, so I'm going to have to figure out the best way to even them out and then ply it so I run out of each single at approximately the same time.

I'll leave you kids with that for now! Have a great night!

Fine looking photos there, I guess we've been introduced to wheel pr0n now? Which makes me a fiber pr0nographer? :-o
In the best sense of the word!! Thanks for your talent!
WOW..the wheel looks awesome. I'm still waiting for my gift of wool from my friend Jim. When I get it processed I'm looking to join the ranks of hand spinners.
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