Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

And the Luck of the Irish to you and all that malarkey! I just wanted a reason to say malarkey. Any other time of the year that word would bring strange looks, but not today! I fit right in!!

Hopefully I'll be blowing off early from work and joining the crowds in the celebrating. But that is still yet to be determined. I'm working my angles now.

On another note, I just wanted to take a sec to post about my puppy. I call him puppy but he's actually going to be 12 in July. He's a Sheltie, and I've had him since he was about 6 weeks old-he was literally all nose and ears then, and not much else. Oh, and his name is Miles. Anyway, my daughter pointed out Wednesday morning that Miles had something wrong with him. Truth be told, he looked like he duked it out in the yard with a squirrel or something, cuz he has a goose egg under his left eye. It was puffing up so much that his eye was actually squinching closed. Well I've been keeping my eye on him the last two days, and it hasn't really changed at all. I thought maybe he got bit by something or the bone he was chewing on irritated something in his mouth - he always looks like he's about to swallow them whole.

Well, this morning I let him outside as usual and when he came back in I noticed he was bleeding from the big puffy goose egg. Poor guy, he probably had about enough of that "thing" on his face, and tried to rub it off in the grass. He was kinda batting at it with his paw every time I examined him, like "hey ma, could you get this thing off my face?" Anyway so he was bleeding and I had to help him. I laid him down on the bathroom floor with a roll of paper towels and the peroxide and went to work. Holy cow, that was nasty. It was blood mixed with I-don't-know-what kinda oozey stuff. So I kept wiping and squeezing (gently of course) trying to work the yuck outta him. He's so good about that kind of stuff, very patient and all but I couldn't help notice the look on his face that said, "hey ummm any time you're done poking with my face, I'd really rather be anywhere but here". So as I was putzing around his eye, the only thing that came to mind was Rocky Balboa (ok, so I've seen all the movies about a hundred times-Yo Adrian!) and his trainer in the corner during his first title fight, and his eye is swollen shut and he says "cut me Mick, I gotta see". I opted not to take that route, and just wiped it up and cleaned it with peroxide. I'm guessing a trip to the vet will be in order. Luckily, he stays in his cage all day so at least I won't go home to a St. Patrick's day massacre scene or anything!

Anyway, that's what I have going on right now. Not alot of knitting to report, I "finished" the striped hat for the coach at my daughter's gym, but when I tried it on last night it looked suitable for the Coneheads, so I'm guessing I need to rip back one or two color changes and start the decreases a bit sooner than the pattern called for. I was working on my socks last night, and obviously fell asleep while doing them, cuz I woke up this morning with them shoved onto the floor and I may have dropped a stitch in the process. So, I'll need to look at that too! Probably not tonight though, don't know if green beer and knitting would be such a great combo. Actually, no green beer for me as us Celiacs have to avoid that, but I'm sure I'll come up with something suitable.

Oh, speaking of Celiacs, I have to give a shout-out to my new favorite store that finally opened up. It's Belcibo (pronounced Bell-Cheebo) in Clawson. They have carry-out pizza for freaks like me!! Too cool! I'll be there this weekend at some point for sure!

Have a great weekend!

Poor pup, it's hard when they get sick ,if only they could talk and let you know what's going on. Give her a pet for me..Marj
And happy day-after-St-Patrick's-Day from Boston! Hope that Miles's injury gets sorted out soon - do take him to the vet if it's that close to his eye and not healing. Missing you!
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