Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Greetings All!

From D-Dawg Knittin Fool, so dubbed by my posse of sorts. Guess we're going to have to think about re-naming our Michigan Detroit Chapter to something a little more phat! That's p-h-a-t , for clarification to any sensitive peeps out there, we're not talking about thighs or anything!

We all have choices. We choose to go to work or not (course that "not getting paid" thing usually motivates us in the right direction), order tea or latte, eat Mickey D's or Wendy's and the like.

Knitters have choices too. We can make do with some of the tools that Joann's or Michael's provides for us for minimal cash, OR we can take our creativity to a whole new level, and expand our minds.

Would you rather knit with these? The ring on the far left is actually from a now dead battery operated toothbrush, used to mark which brush head is yours. Hey, I'm into recycling...

Or these?
Ooh, aahhh, c'mon say it with me!!

And look how they jazz up my otherwise dull black wool socks.....
And speaking
of aforementioned socks:

They are finally starting to look like they might get finished sometime soon! (Never mind that this picture appears to have been taken on my desk at work-did I mention the bosses are on vacay?) As I run dangerously close to end of my yarn I am almost ready to decrease for the toes! Whoo hoo!! Not that I wouldn't want an excuse to go to the yarn store, I really don't need the temptation as I have a very full stash at the moment and several projects awaiting the completion of these "longer than I anticipated to be knitting" socks.

I am thinking about posting a message on The Knitter's Review Board about my Touch Me questions, but feel free to leave me a comment if you have any tips!

Oh, and to let you know how super special the above socks will be for their recipient, I'm choosing not to pick out the JRH (Jack Russell Hair) that I picked up in them over the weekend. Thanks Amby! I'll be sure to have the SO send you a thank you note!

Have a great day all! I'm so excited to check out Yarn Harlot tomorrow, she says there will be prizes; I thought my gloves were my prize!! Hooray and wish me luck!

I'm still not sure about all this posse business. I'm british you know! ;)

The stitch markers look almost as nice in those photos as they do in person. Good luck finding out what you need to know about Touch Me. You could always try emailing the yarn company's customer service department?
Y'know, if you need more JRT hair, I could always come over and roll around on your couch...I carry at least half a pound around on my clothing at all times. What, you're shaking your head? Well, ok, but the offer is there...
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