Tuesday, February 14, 2006

For the record...

All men don't suck.....today!

This was waiting for me when I got to work today. Just when you think there's no hope, they go and do something....charming and loveable! How exasperating! Needless to say, I much prefer to start my day this way, so if only this could happen every day-I'd never be cranky, right? Well, while I'm holding my breath waiting for THAT to happen, I'll post some pics to update my Knitting Olympics progress.

This was yesterday. I'm trying to capture the picot edging that I cast on for the cuff but it's not translating well in these pics. Trust me, it's very cool AND fancy.

This is today, with the pinky finger about to get started. It's positioned atop my nifty Team Tote that Amby was so kind to make for our Detroit Team. It's getting dragged all over town so I can keep making progress, the clock is ticking. I'm hoping to have the first glove complete by the weekend, and cast on this weekend for the second glove. I expect the second one to go much faster, I'm creating the pattern as I go along for the first, and then I'll only have to follow that which should make it much faster. And thanks, if you actually understood that. It made sense to me. It's very exciting, this project. I believe I chose well, since this is challenging and fun!! If I was following a straight pattern, the challenge wouldn't be as great, but since I'm combining a few patterns, it's kinda tricky and therefore more difficult. But still exciting, nonetheless. I can't wait to actually get the pinky done, it will really show my progress.

I'm making these out of "Touch Me" on size 2 Addi's (thanks Amby), and the yarn is really nice to work with. It twists a little, and fuzzes a little more, but I'm hoping once they make it thru the felting process, that will all be resolved. I'm trying really hard to make them a little big, to account for the shrinkage (I read they average about 15% shrinkage), so the fingers should be no problem as I make them each individually. I'm a little worried the thumb gusset might be a little tight, but hopefully with heavy blocking/stretching they'll fit well when finished. Wish me luck!!

I'm enjoying reading about everyone's progress with their projects, I'm so excited to see our Team's Finished Objects!! I think we are representing our Country well!! Great job everybody!

Have a great day!! Remember, take breaks and drink lots of......yeah water, of course that's what I was going to say. I mean, after all, we're athletes!!

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